32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake, OH 44012
HOURS: Click the link above to check our their current hours.
This place is basically a free mini science center and absolutely incredible! I actually remember coming here as a kid and loving it then too. Now our kids love it here and the best part is that it’s super educational, totally free, & open every day of the week!
They will be closing May 1, 2024 for their renovation. Learn all about their plans here: alpl.org/discovery
There are 2 areas, one intended for children under 5 and then the “Mighty Explorers” area for children 5+ (child must be accompanied by an adult until age 8.)
*One thing to note: Children under the age of 5 are not permitted in the Mighty Explorers area at any time, even if carried or in a stroller. If you visit with children above and below the age of 5 and have only one adult, your 5-7 year old will need to remain in the “Wee Explorers” area. However, after the renovation, it will all be one inclusive space!
We just love it here & know your littles will too! 💕